Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Pin Pals" - Part II

The Pinless Mechanism

The Brögger Mechanism, developed by Johannes Brögger in Denmark, popularized the pinless mechanism.  Yet we know that pinless foot joint keys existed for decades before the pinless mechanism with a trademarked name.  

Perhaps the Brögger mechanism was the first pinless center joint mechanism?  No – to the best of our knowledge Pearl was using a pinless design on some its center joint keys before Brögger. 

And for the last 25 years Powell has had its own unique, neat, underslung bridge in the left hand.  So was the Brögger mechanism truly groundbreaking?  The Brögger Mechanism is a pinless system that includes both the right and left hand of the flute.  This design uses bridges and adds what look like two extra back connections to the flute.  

Keys can be bridged over the top of the regular key tubing where the extra mechanism is very apparent, or underneath where it is unobtrusive.  Powell’s pinless mechanism uses underslung bridges to maintain the aesthetics of the traditional flute design while providing the benefits of contemporary flute construction.

In 2009 Powell added a neat, sleek underslung bridge in the right hand to complement the underslung bridge its flutemakers had been using in the left hand for 25 years.  All of today’s Powell Custom and Conservatory flutes come standard with Powell’s pinless design.   Signature flutes continue to be made using the tried and true pinned mechanism.

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