In part 4 of our series on the gold flute, we meet with Alex Shtyrkov, Dennis Williams, and Weiling Zhou as several steps are completed. In the video below, Alex finishes his work in the body making process by soldering the posts to the ribs, the ribs to the body, and the rings to the body.
In the next video, we visit with Dennis Williams and Weiling Zhou. The video begins with Dennis, who is fitting the mechanism steels. Dennis must make sure that the steels are the proper length, shape, and that they run smoothly through the posts. In the second part of the video, our engraver, Weiling Zhou, engraves the logo on the foot joint and body. The engraving we see in this video includes the triangular VQP logo and "Verne Q. Powell Flutes." When the body engraving is complete, it will have the following, each on a separate line: triangular logo, "Verne Q. Powell Flutes," "Boston," serial number, and karat. The foot joint will have the same with the exception of the serial number.